I used the Pyzam template; there used to be a lovely tree on a cliff and now my computer shows it's all 'distappeared' (distappeared is what my youngest son would say when he'd finished his dinner). Distappeared or disappeared, I'm very 'distappointed'.....
We had a wonderful Christmas; putting up a few pictures I took while we were visiting one of my favorite towns (Laguna Beach, CA). We lived in this area for 17 years before retiring to Nevada (miss the beach, but not the traffic and high prices).
Just wanted to add those photos and wish everyone a very happy new year - tomorrow we start the '09' - seems like only yesterday we were worrying about the Y2K bug (that never happened).
So, remember to write those checks with the '09' (although I bet the bank will accept your mortgage payment regardless of what year you put on it).
It's been a difficult 2008 for millions - 2009 doesn't promise to improve much, but I'm betting 2010 might see us all doing a whole lot better and certainly we'll all be stronger and more appreciate of what we have, and what is truly important in our lives after the 'rough and tumble' of this current year's events.
So, now it's time for me to add some pretty photos to the side-bar.